And then I had a fire..

Okay, maybe I should explain that I don’t have a fireplace. See, there is a tradition that says that if you burn true bayberry candle(s) at the holidays, you will have good luck. So I have been doing that for a number of years. However this year the holder I used seems to have been plastic and not glass..which it looked like.
Now, don’t get ahead of me here…
I did keep looking over at it while I had it burning. But then at the end it melted one side of the holder. Which cause melted plastic to dribble out onto the end table. Along with the lit wick. And all that caught the table on fire… This was on Christmas Eve.
But wait!! There’s more!
This afternoon I was making a bit of egg and bacon for lunch. It was pretty much done cooking so I turned off the burner and moved the pan off to one side. I got a paper plate (you are getting ahead of me again, aren’t you?!) to begin arranging the food on. I set it down on the stove where the still hot cook surface was. It actually took about 30 seconds before I realized what I did. I got the plate up and in the trash just as the smoke detector went off.

Friends, I do not know why I keep trying to set the house on fire. Perhaps it’s just me being clumsy or me being blonde. Maybe both. I’d like to blame Government thought control. But we all know what it really is.


The Head Duckie

3 thoughts on “And then I had a fire..

    1. There is an old tradition from Colonial times that if you burn bayberry candles at the holidays, it will bring good luck. But so many candles these days are just scented. So it does need to be the real ones.

      I am so glad you liked this. Thank you for reading and I’ll be posting again soon!


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